App Store Optimization

App Store Optimization

App Store Optimization

ASO is also known as Play Store ASO, App Search Optimization, App Store SEO, and App Store optimization.

ASO (app store optimization) is important for increasing the visibility of applications in the app store which leads to more organic downloads. This is the most amazing way through which your apps can easily be detected or located by more people. App store optimization services play a vital role and help in promoting your applications in the app stores.

If your app is found by many users then it automatically results in more revenue. Remember, more users mean more downloads and more downloads mean more profit. This fact is very straightforward, right?

Now, you might be wondering that how ASO or APP store SEO works? If yes, then scroll down and find the answer to your question. 

What is ASO?

App store optimization is a way through which you can improve the visibility of your application in the app store. CTR (click-through-rate) is another focused area of ASO. For optimizing your application, you need to optimize your app rating, logo, app name, screenshots, and more other things. Also, it is very beneficial if you go for app store optimization services.

Difference between ASO and SEO

ASO is also known as app store search engine optimization. In both these processes, there are lots of similarities such as conversion optimization, backlinking, and keyword optimization. Moreover, ASO is used for mobile app optimization and SEO is used for the optimization of websites. 

Some most important benefits of ASO

So now, you understood how important ASO is for ranking applications in the app stores. Without the optimization of your application, you can’t rank it at the top in the app stores. App store optimization also acts as the most effective strategy of marketing for mobile apps.

Increase the visibility of your app

If your targeted users are not able to locate or find your application in the app stores then, all your efforts go in vain. So, don’t let this happen. Optimize your application using ASO.

Make sure your app must be discovered by your target users

It is very important that your app must be found or located by the right users. With the help of ASO, you can also achieve this factor as well.

Organic Downloads

 Ensure more organic downloads of your application with ASO. Grow your app business with app store SEO and earn more profit.

Organically promote your app

The organic approach is better than the paid ones. ASO is an amazing technique that guarantees steady growth and 100% successful result.

Increase your conversion rate and revenue

If your apps ranked at the top positions in the app stores then it automatically leads to more downloads which results in more profit. So, increase your revenue and conversion rate with ASO.

Promote your app worldwide

Attract your target audiences from all over the world with ASO. Ensure that your application must be available in many different languages so that users from different regions can easily access your application.  

Some important ranking factors of Google play store and apple play store

Apple app store and Google play store use numbers of different algorithms to rank the applications. But yet, it is not exactly clear that which algorithms are used by these stores for ranking the applications.

Apple App Store Ranking Factors:

App Subtitle


In-App Purchase

Keyword field

App Name

Rating and Reviews

Downloads and Engagement


Some Hidden factors

Google Play Store Ranking Factors:

App Description

In-App Purchase

App Name

Downloads and Engagement

Rating and Reviews



Some Hidden factors

App Store Optimization strategies

You need to optimize your mobile application for gaining better results. But, the question is how to do this? What are the right ASO marketing strategies that you need to follow for improving your app visibility and increasing more downloads of your app?

1. Keyword research

For the success of your application, you need to pick the right keywords that are mostly used by your targeted audiences in the search bar related to your services. In starting, pick those keywords that have low competition levels and high traffic.

Strategies of keyword research are different for different applications. New applications can gain more success by using low competition long tail keywords but, for old apps or applications, it is better to use short keywords or phrases with more competition or traffic. So, in this way, strategies of keyword research vary.

In addition to this, if you want that your application should gain more visibility globally then, it is important that your application must be well optimized for all the languages.

2. Optimize for Conversion & High Visibility

For increasing the conversion rate and improving visibility, app store optimization services are very important.

Apple App Store

Use targeted keywords in the app name (30 characters), keywords field (100 characters), and subtitle (30 char).

Google Play Store

Use targeted keywords in description (4,000 characters), a short description (80 char), and in the title (30 char).

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Add attractive screenshots, images, videos, and more for attracting more visitors. Also, it helps in increasing more downloads and traffic.

3. Monitor/track main KPIs

Monitor all KPIs: Competitors, Organic downloads, Keywords, competitors’ updates, new market trends, conversion rate, application ranking, app visibility, title, description, metadata, top charts and more.


This is all about ASO, what ASO is, and why it is important for your application. Also, we have discussed some important ASO marketing strategies. Just like SEO (search engine optimization for websites), ASO is important for mobile applications.

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