12 Essential OFF-Page SEO Techniques

OFF Page SEO Techniques

Search engine optimization is the technique of ranking the website at the top of search engine results pages by driving quality traffic to the website. Google, Yahoo, Bing and more are termed as (SERP) search engine result pages. For improving the position of a website in search engine results pages three techniques of SEO are used: – ON page SEO, OFF page SEO and Technical SEO.  

ON Page SEO:

ON page SEO related to the things which are performed on the website or webpages like, description, keyword stuffing, internal linking, content, images, Meta title and more. Overall, the techniques of on-page SEO are important for building a search engine friendly website.

Off-Page SEO:

For increasing the visibility of the website and to make the website famous on the internet, off-page SEO is used. Off-page SEO is also very helpful in improving the position of the website in SERP.

Top 12 off-page techniques

1. Crafting shareable content

For search engine optimization high-quality content is so much valuable. Developing fresh and sharable content is the best way of generating natural backlinks and it is also very beneficial for the website. Before creating the content it is recommended to perform good research and then develop fresh and high-quality content.

2. Participate in guest posting

Guest posting is another best technique of SEO for getting high-quality backlinks to the website. Develop an amazing content and post it on the guest posting sites. It is beneficial if you submit your article at high DA and High PA sites of guest posting. Remember, don’t post so many articles on a single guest posting site rather to post your content on multiple sites. Guest posting is the best SEO marketing strategy and many SEO companies are also using this best way for getting good results.

3. Build engagement with social media

Social media engagement is the best Off-page SEO technique. If you want to increase the popularity of your business then engage more with your customers on the platforms of social media. If your business is present on social media platforms then you can easily engage your target customers.

4. Social Bookmarking Sites

 For the promotion of the website, social bookmarking is the best method and it also increases the visibility of your business online. For gaining high traffic towards your blogs or webpages, you can bookmark your blog posts and webpages on the sites of social bookmarking.

5. Forum Submission

As per your business niche, join forums and build a strong relationship with that community. Share your views, answer the questions asked by the people and give your advice.  

6. Directory Submission

For building the quality backlinks, directory submission is very effective. Select an effective directory and choose the right category. With directory submission, you will not get quick results but the results you will gain by this are just outstanding.

7. Article Submission

Use the high PR article submission directories for the submission of articles. The articles which you submit on article submission sites must be unique, fresh and of high-quality. And if you submit low-quality content then it might be rejected. For the submission of your article, select the right category and create an engaging title for your content. Creating a good article is an art and it takes time and other resources. If you want to submit high-quality articles for your website then you should take the best SEO services from the best SEO Company or Agency.   

8. Question and Answer

Question and answer websites like Quora and more are so beneficial for driving high-quality traffic to the website. Search the high PR question and answer sites and post the answers of the questions related to your business niche. Try to give simple and clear answers of the questions for attracting visitors to your site. In between the answer add the link of your website, so that visitors can easily navigate to your website.

9. Video Submission

If you can create engaging videos, go for video submission and submit your videos on the popular sites of video submission. Add the engaging title, tags, description and reference links. Video submission is the best way of getting quality backlinks as the websites of video submission have high PR.

10. Image Submission

Share the attractive and engaging images on image submission websites. It is important to optimize the images before their submissions like adding the correct title tag and URL. For the purpose of SEO and SEO marketing, image submission is very helpful in engaging the audiences by which your site gets good traffic.  

11. Infographics Submission

Create informative and engaging infographics. Infographics are more liked by the people as compared to the normal text. Submit the informative and creative infographics on infographic submission websites and also add a reference link of your blog or website.

12. Document Sharing

Design beautiful documents related to your blogs or business. The documents must be present in ppt or pdf format and contain unique, informative and fresh content.  Take the best SEO services from the best SEO Company which can create informative documents for your business.


 If you properly use the techniques or methods of On-page and Off-page SEO optimization then these will really help your website to rank high in the SERP.  Moreover, technical SEO also plays an important role in ranking the website in the search engine results pages.  Speed of the website, loading time of the website and whether the website is responsive or not all these factors are involved in technical SEO.

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