Increase traffic to website using top 13 Ways

Icrease website traffic

The dream of every business man or marketer is to gain more clients. Do you ever think that what’s their next desire after having more customers? Boost traffic to their website. And for this, many marketers search how to increase traffic on website or increase traffic website free. Means that what are the freeways through which the marketers get more traffic on their websites. So, in regard with this we are going to discuss top 13 ways by which your question how to increase traffic on website gets the most relevant and appropriate answers.

1. Advertise

Social media advertising and paid search are obviously the best ways for attracting more visitors, help in brand building and spread awareness of your products and services in front of the audiences. According to your business goals make the strategies for paid ads. Negative and positive both aspects are present with paid channels so, before investing a handsome amount think wisely about your objectives and work accordingly.

If your focus is on more lead generation then you need to target high value commercial keywords through which you can achieve desired results. Although, you have to pay high for these competitive keywords but you will surely get the result.

2. Use Social platforms

Only producing good content is not enough- further initiatives are also required. For the promotion of your content and increasing traffic to your site, social media platforms are the best. Images play a great role and make strong bond between businesses and costumers or B2C, so the social platforms like Instragram and Pinterest give a big contribution in increasing the traffic to your website. Furthermore, platforms like twitter and LinkedIn serve best to B2B.

3. Other forms of content are also useful

Seriously, for the success of content marketing there is no fairylike method. The style of your writing, content length, creativity and how your targeted audiences respond, all these factors affect your content marketing. For cultivating maximum impact in your content also use the other forms of content like images, videos, infographics and appealing facts.

4. Use appealing headlines

For your content, alluring or appealing headlines are very crucial, even the most detailed and valuable blog post not able to earn good traffic without an eye catching headline. So, it becomes very important that before hitting the publish button give a look to your blog headlines whether it is appealing or not.

5. Never avoid On-Page SEO

SEO is the best worthwhile and valuable practice which helps in optimizing the content. Are you giving internal links in your website content? Do you skip alt text of image? Or are you focusing on right keywords and use these naturally in your content? So, for increasing traffic to website On-page is very useful as it boost traffic towards your websites.

6. Give more stress on Long tail keywords

Long-tail keywords acquire the bulk of web searches so, if you are only working hard on SEO or focusing on paid searches then you are missing the most useful part (long tail keyword).

7. Guest blogging is so useful

Despite of your previous knowledge about guest blogging, you should know that it is one of the best methods used for driving huge traffic to website and increases the brand authority. By posting the blogs on reputed sites you are ensuring success to your business. Remain updated from the standards of guest posting as these changes rapidly.

8. Use LinkedIn for posting content

LinkedIn is not only the medium of finding jobs but more than this. With the strong social networks of LinkedIn it also provides a valuable platform for publishing the content. If you will use this valuable platform then you can increase traffic to website and boost your social visibility.

9. Internal linking

Internal link is the best opportunity that can drive good traffic to website. Whenever you publish or create content, never miss the opportunity of internal linking. Internal linking is very helpful in improving the user experience and increase traffic to your website.

10. Do not avoid email marketing

Because of frequently use of content marketing, traditional methods are not much focused. Email marketing has the potential to bring significant traffic to your website and offers fast results. Do not bombard emails frequently on the people Ids rather to make a fix pattern of sending email and work according to it. Give regular updates of your products and services to your customers by sending mail on regular basis. The main advantage of email marketing is that it is very helpful in engaging the customers with your service and products and also solves your question how to increase traffic on website.

11. Check whether your site is responsive or not

Previously, desktops PCs are used much for browsing the internet, but now everyone has smart phone. Today, more than 99% people are using their mobiles for assessing the web. So, with such a big percentage, if your site is not responsive then it would reflect negative side of your business. Make sure that your website is responsive so that your viewers can easily access it at any device.

12. Check the loading speed of your site

Are customers loved to spend more than 3 to 4 second for a website to load? If your webpages take too long time to load then it will soon touches high bounce rate. It is very important for you to optimize your website including page structure, images size and find out the other factors through which your website taking long time to load. The less time your website takes to load the better will be the user experience.

13. Inspect analytics data of your website

With the help of analytic data of your website, you can examine each and every aspect of your site. Like numbers of your daily visitors, which page they are visiting more, bounce rate of the site, time duration the visitors spend on the site and more. Overall, analytics data presents the demographics of visitors, like how they are reacting on your site. Through this data try to inspect your website that which webpages required the improvement or which are working properly. Rather to focus on other’s website first optimize yours.

So, follow these top features for increasing traffic to your website and experience the high quality quick results.

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